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Are you a Legal Assistant?

User Guides for Legal Assistants

The enhanced organization module and delegated access functionality simplifies legal staff’s delegated access to cases and appeals by:

  •      Removing the need for attorneys to first request for access to their cases, and be approved before the legal staff can be given delegated access.
  •      Enabling the legal staff to perform all eFiling functions on an attorney's behalf, including submitting access requests, filing new cases and appeals, submitting filings and receiving eService.
  •     Including a unified dashboard of all cases and appeals in the organization, from which the legal team can access the cases and appeals, and manage staff's access.


Please find the detailed instructions/tutorials in the below urls :


       How does a Legal Assistant submit an Access Request to a Case, on behalf of an Attorney:   Click Here

       How does a Legal Assistant file a New Case to OALJ, on behalf of an Attorney:   Click Here

       How does a Legal Assistant submit a New Filing to a Case, on behalf of an Attorney:   Click Here

       How does a Legal Assistant submit an Access Request to an ARB Appeal, on behalf of an Attorney:   Click Here

       How does a Legal Assistant submit an Access Request to an BRB Appeal, on behalf of an Attorney:   Click Here

       How does a Legal Assistant submit an Access Request to an ECAB Appeal, on behalf of an Attorney:   Click Here

       How does a Legal Assistant file a New ARB Appeal to the Boards, on behalf of an Attorney:   Click Here

       How does a Legal Assistant file a New BRB Appeal to the Boards, on behalf of an Attorney:   Click Here

       How does a Legal Assistant file a New ECAB Appeal to the Boards, on behalf of an Attorney:   Click Here

       How does a Legal Assistant submit a New ARB Filing to an Appeal, on behalf of an Attorney:   Click Here

       How does a Legal Assistant submit a New BRB Filing to an Appeal, on behalf of an Attorney:   Click Here

       How does a Legal Assistant submit a New ECAB Filing to an Appeal, on behalf of an Attorney:   Click Here

       All User Guides:   Click Here

       All Video Tutorials:   Click Here