The Department of Labor hosted an informational webinar on June 23, 2022 on the enhancements to the Organization module and Delegated Access functionality to be released on July 1, 2022. The recording of the webinar can be accessed using the link below.
Recording of the webinar held on June 23, 2022.
The webinar provided an overview of the changes to the Organization module and Delegated Access functionality, and a demonstration of how these enhancements simplify legal staff's delegated access to cases and appeals by:
- Removing the need for attorneys to first request for access to their cases, and be approved before the legal staff can be given delegated access.
- Enabling the legal staff to perform all eFiling functions on an attorney's behalf, including submitting access requests, filing new cases and appeals, submitting filings and receiving eService.
- Including a unified dashboard of all cases and appeals in the organization, from which the legal team can access the cases and appeals, and manage staff's access.