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eFile and eServe System to release enhanced e-mail notifications for the Boards

Effective May 06, 2022, the United States Department of Labor’s eFile and eServe system (EFS – efile.dol.gov) will release enhanced e-mail notifications regarding cases before the Administrative Review Board (ARB), the Benefits Review Board (BRB), and the Employees’ Compensation Appeals Board (ECAB). These enhancements are in response to feedback from EFS users on how to improve the utility of e-mail notifications.  

For all e-mail notifications, the subject line will now include the case name, case number, and date. The e-mail body text will include additional identifying details about the appeal, such as names of parties, lower court case number, and decision date. In the case of e-service, the email will include a list of who was e-served. 

When the Board dockets an appeal, the filing party will be immediately notified with the newly assigned Docket Number, the parties on appeal, and the registration status of each party in EFS. The Board will continue to serve the Acknowledgement Letter to all parties after docketing a new appeal.

For filings by parties, the notices will include notices about the receipt of a filing by EFS and when a filing is accepted or rejected. The e-mail body will also include essential details such as the filing’s status, the filing party’s name, the filing date and the date the Board accepted or rejected the document, and a link to the document on the EFS case dashboard.

The below links show the changes to the e-mail subject line and body text.